Monday, December 30, 2019

Amtrak Announces Half Price Fares for Students

Since 2003, Amtrak, the nations passenger rail service,  has offered 50% discount fares to high school juniors and seniors traveling to prospective college campuses. With the start of a new school year just around the corner, millions of American high school students visit colleges throughout the nation trying to decide where to continue their education. Amtrak hopes their Campus Visit Discount Coupon program will help make those often stressful trips more convenient and economical. Available to high school juniors and seniors traveling to prospective college campuses, the coupons provide a 50 percent discount on coach class travel for the student and up to two parents or legal guardians. The coupons are good for travel on most Amtrak trains nationwide. Choosing a university is a major decision, and a visit is an ideal way to sample college life and see a campus up-close, stated Barbara J. Richardson, Amtraks vice president of marketing and sales, in and Amtrak press release. Whether its a nearby state university or a parents alma mater thousands of miles away, chances are the school is near one of the more than 500 destinations served by Amtrak. With Amtraks Campus Visit Discount Coupon, high school juniors and seniors may visit a college or university and receive 50 percent off the best available fare on Amtrak. The coupon may be used with tickets purchased now through December 8, 2003 for travel through December 15, 2003. How to Get the Coupons To get a Campus Visit Discount Coupon, simply visit the Amtrak Campus Visit website, click on the Amtrak coupon link on the home page, download the file and print a coupon. Original copies of the Campus Visit Discount Coupon must be presented at the time reservations are ticketed. No copies will be accepted. After printing a coupon, students need to simply obtain their high school counselors signature on the coupon and make a train reservation by calling Amtrak at 1-800-USA-RAIL. When making a reservation, students should tell the agent that they are using a Campus Visit Discount Coupon and mention discount code H178. Reservations for travel purchased with the coupon may not be made online. To ticket a reservation, visit any staffed Amtrak station or a local travel agent with the signed coupon. Complete instructions on redeeming an Amtrak Campus Visit Discount Coupon may be found at http:// or by calling 1-781-431-7755. The coupon is also available from: http://www.bostonvisit.comhttp://; and The Fine Print Reservations are required at least seven days prior to travel, and the student and parents or guardians must travel together on the same itinerary. Tickets may be upgraded to business class or to include sleeping accommodations upon payment of the applicable charges. The special fares are not available on Acela Express, Metroliner, Auto Train, Downeaster, peak departures of Amtraks Regional service in the Northeast or any departure requiring the purchase of a peak or unrestricted fare. Blackout dates and other restrictions do apply. The coupon may not be used in conjunction with any other discounts or promotions. Tickets are non-refundable once purchased, and no changes to the itinerary may be made once travel has begun.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis Of Benjamin Franklin s The Greatest Founding...

Top of Form Benjamin Franklin There is no doubt that Benjamin Franklin is one of the greatest Founding Fathers, if not one of the greatest Americans ever to have lived. Franklin racked up numerous accolades throughout his 84 year life span and is also the only Founding Father to sign the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, and the United States Constitution. As a man who came from humble beginnings, Franklin is the embodiment of a â€Å"self-made man.† An incredibly driven human being, Franklin sought out to improve himself day in and day out. In fact, he believed that success was derived from self-improvement. Franklin was a true believer of the American cause and wanted only the absolute best for the newly founded society. Being the truly selfless and righteous man he was, Franklin wrote an autobiography, not as an ostentatious or conceited act, but as a guideline for other Americans to follow him on the route to self-improvement. Franklin recounts his hardships and triu mphs to tell the story of how a man can make anything of himself as long as puts his mind to it and keeps progressing forward. Benjamin Franklin was born January 17, 1706 in Boston. Franklin was the youngest son of seventeen children. Being the baby of the family didn’t come with the benefits it does now. In this time period, the youngest son did not inherited little if anything. Unfortunate for Franklin he never inherited anything throughout his lifetime. At the age of eightShow MoreRelatedThe United States And The Native Americans Essay1594 Words   |  7 PagesAmerican culture clashed greatly with their own beliefs and systems within their own community. An example would be how their community was mainly led by the idea of equality and a voice for everyone, no matter how young or old. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Main Criteria in the Choice of Medium of Articulation Free Essays

Communication is defined as the â€Å"transfer of meaning† (Eunson, 2006:2). The message to be conveyed, the urgency of the message, the effect on the receiver etc determine the â€Å"preference† of the channel of communication. This essay shall argue that this is the most important criteria, in channel determination. We will write a custom essay sample on The Main Criteria in the Choice of Medium of Articulation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Right Preference – Key to Effectiveness New inventions have facilitated ease of communication. Ironically though, Priestley’s Paradox explains that, the more we advance our means of communication, the less we communicate (Priestley 1957, as cited in Eunson, 2006:4). Hence, for effective communication the important things to be considered may be the message and effect (Lasswell’s model, 1948, as cited in Eunson, 2006:7). The latter i. e. the ‘effect’ of the message on the receiver, depends on which mode of communication is â€Å"preferred† over which and will make the difference between communicating effectively and ordinarily. Especially, if the communication is meant for a limited audience, like the staff of one particular department of an office, or to a few sales- staff with inconsistent performance etc. For example, in a Human Resource Department in an office, with a HR Manager, and five assistants, communication is possible with his staff through direct face-to-face communication, or through memos, or e-mail notifications etc. The smart manager will choose the medium, depending on the importance of the message and the impact it should effect. He may convey routine ‘Monthly Target’ notices by pasting them on the Department Bulletin board, and further sending a copy of the message to each staff through the e-mail as a follow up. But, he may ‘prefer’ to send the individual’s ‘Performance Assessment Report’ through individual e-mail and then a one-to-one review. This ‘preference’ is exercised to enhance effective communication. The richness of media (Daft and Lengel, 1986) effected by direct face-to-face communication is ‘preferred’ to the e-mail channel, which is less effective than the chosen one. Conclusion Making the right â€Å"preference† in the choice of media to communicate is vital to being effective. Since effectiveness is the key element in any communication, it is clear that the right choices and preferences will lead to success. Bibliography Daft, R. L. and R. H. Lengel, (1986) â€Å"Organizational Information Requirements, Media Richness and Structural Design,† Management Sci. , 32, 5, 554–571. Can also be view at website http://www. istheory. yorku. ca/mediarichnesstheory. htm Eunson, Baden, (2006). â€Å"Communication Today,† in Communicating in the 21st Century, 1, pp. 2-18. Tutorial Response 2 Introduction The deluge of technology has been incapable of preventing â€Å"Miscommunication†. This essay will briefly explain the term and analyze two problems of ‘context’ resulting in miscommunication, and suggest a strategy to overcome the ‘noise’ factor. Context, Noise and Miscommunication The ‘Context’ of the communication is concerned with the following issues 1) Power and Status Relationships 2) Cultural factors 3) Interpersonal Relationships 4) Time (Eunson, 006:16). Communication derives its meaning from the context, under which it takes place. The basic tenet of communication is, to send as well as receive and is said to occur, only when understanding is achieved. This fails, when there is non-cooperation between one or more of the parties and results in miscommunication. This can be deduced as the ‘noise’ in the Sender-Message-Receiver (SMR) and the Shannon-Weaver model of communication (1999, as cited in Eunson 2006:8) because it ignores the importance of context, i. e. situational, social, cultural, etc. ‘Context’ can be interpreted differently, by the receiver, according to 1) the cultural differences, 2) status differences between the former and the receiver and the sender. For example, using gestures and direct eye-contact is a vital part of Western conversation; however, in the Native American cultures, looking directly into the eyes of elders is disrespectful, and gestures are hardly used. Miscommunication may occur when a young American salesman tries to convince an elderly Native American of his product, due to differing cultural contexts. An example of problems arising from the power status differences: A $100 rise in salary for performance, may impact positively on a low-level employee in the factory; while the Manager of the Production is apt to be disgruntled by the same amount. The Quinn, Hildebrandt, Rogers, Thompson, (1991) (cited in Eunson 2006:16) model helps effectively weed out the noise factor, by strategically and judiciously preferring the channel of communication. For example, to solve problem #1 of mistrust arising from contextual cultural differences, modification of the sales strategy, by adopting a combination of informational communication and relational-communication may help. This will 1) provide the facts to the receiver, 2) win his trust; a sale may effect. And in proble #2, it is possible to build on the existing on trust level of the manager by a) improving relational communication, b) stimulating challenge by using transformational communication, to explain that money is not the only end-goal in life. Conlcusion The study of various types of communication can help in strategic solutions to problems. Bibliography Eunson, Baden, (2006). â€Å"Communication Today,† Communicating in the 21st Century. , 1, pp. 2-18. Grice, H. P. , (1975), â€Å"Logic and Conversation†, in P. Cole and J. Morgan, eds. , Syntax and Semantics, vol. 3, Academic Press, pp. 41-58 Quinn, R. E. , Hildebrandt, H. W. , Rogers, P. S. , Thompson, M. P. (1991). â€Å"A competing values framework for analyzing presentational communication in management contexts†. The Journal of Business Communication, 28, 213-232. How to cite The Main Criteria in the Choice of Medium of Articulation, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Personal Persuasive Essay Example For Students

Personal Persuasive Essay How could such a happy name inspire so much fear? Throughout the school, this name was dreaded, feared, cursed, and abused. At the beginning of the school year, there would always be a student weeping with hatred, crying out against his crazed science teacher, Mr. Joy. People thought of him as the embodiment of all evil possible in a teacher, a heartless dictator, a cruel old man. When he walked by, he often got stares, and whispers of Hitler behind his back. On that hot languid September morning, I sat in stony silence at my desk, hearing the warnings of upperclassmen echoing in my ears, waiting for Mr. Joy to appear. As he walked in, I breathed a temporary sigh of relief. At least I am taller than him! A short wiry man with an almost military gait marched into the room. The hair on his slightly balding head was thoroughly brushed back, his clothes impeccably starched, and his shoes polished so well you could see your own reflection in them. His face seemed hardened by time and experience; he looked bitter, even a little sad. But the most striking feature about his face was his eyes: they seemed to shine with a fierce passion, a burning desire, but for what?As he talked to us about the extensive course requirements, his high expectations, and the heavy workload, we all fidgeted with nervousness in our seats. He spoke with a grim sense of determination, and we listened with a sense of impending doom. But then, suddenly, his voice changed, and his eyes glowed with more intensity than ever before. He told us about his love for biology, and how much he wished that he could impart it to us. He told us about the beauty of the complexity of life in every organism from a delicate butterfly to a steadfast giant sequoia. He was so excited about the recent developments in molecular biology and genetics, but his enthusiasm seemed sincere and real: it wasnt just the over-caffeinated perkiness of a cheerful kindergarten teacher; it was a genuine love for learning and discovery. The assignments were long and difficult: in the first week itself we were required to memorize the entire periodic table and recite it to the class. Day after day, week after week, students faltered in class, and they were embarrassed: it seemed worse because he didnt yell; he simply stared at you sternly yet sadly, and calmly called on the next person. But this work that I cursed and blamed and almost cried over helped me cultivate great study habits, and an even greater respect for this little old man and his cruel teaching ways. Before all of our tests, we ironically hummed Ode to Joy as a little good luck charm. When our class aced the midterm exams, we couldnt be more grateful to him for having prepared us so well, but he refused to be held responsible for our excellent grades. Im just giving you the tools, Im happy that youre using them, he said humbly. His moral lessons to me were just as strong: he was more than a teacher to me; he was a mentor. Whenever something was wrong, or I felt down or depressed, hed understand, and look at me firmly and say, Meet me after class. I trusted him impeccably, and he trusted me too, until one day when I broke this trust, by copying a single homework assignment from a friend. Immediately he could tell that the work had been copied, and he sent for me in his study. There he explained how he was not angry, but sorely disappointed in my dishonesty. His words made me regret my action so much that I vowed never to be deceptive or cheat again at school, or in my personal life. .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 , .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 .postImageUrl , .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 , .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314:hover , .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314:visited , .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314:active { border:0!important; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314:active , .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314 .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufb6639125f2ad81f8f0fcefbbbe41314:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Middle School : A Dramatic And Colorful History examples EssayBut as the year wore on, the light in his eyes seemed to fade; we all wondered what was wrong, until one day, Mr. Joy was diagnosed with cancer. Yet he came to school every single day, and only attended his chemotherapy sessions after our biology class. We were his first priority, even in his struggle against life itself. He passed away last summer, but the lessons he taught me still live on. I learned how to love learning not for grades, but for the sake of knowledge, and how to develop invaluable study habits. I discovered how to be determined and push on, even in the toughest of situations, and how to be sinc ere and honest in whatever I do. And of course, now I never judge people hastily, for Hitler truly brought joy into my life.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Strategic Competencies of Delivering Gifts

Work process standard This appraisal is aimed at assessing the strategic competencies of delivering gifts and other services to customer’s convenient places within recommended time. The main services offered by the business include delivery of gifts to places recommended by our clients at a fee.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Strategic Competencies of Delivering Gifts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The gifts include flowers, jewelry among other gifts as the customers may require. Other services offered include shopping on behalf of our clients who may not have the time to do this due to time constraint as a result of their busy schedule. Strategic competencies to be achieved The business seeks to improve response time. Response time is defined by the business as the time between the reception of an order by our marketing department and the time that the business takes to satisfy the order. In other words, the time the supply department takes to deliver the product. It is also defined as the time between the reception of complaints by our complaints desk and the time the issue of concern is addressed. In addition to this, the business also seeks to improve cycle time which is the time between the delivery of the services and the time the payment of those services is made. The business also seeks to improve quality of service delivered through screening of customers’ requirements and provision of services tailored to customer’s needs and requirements. The main output that the business seeks to give priority is the response time. The response time has been identified as the main factor that is shaping the competition in the service industry. With most of the business customers mainly composed of the working class and in the executive class, the improved response time will help reduce delays for this class of people who may not have enough time to shop for the gifts and ultimately deliver to their loved ones. Measures of the Achievements of Competencies Response time will be measured depending on the distance between the business and the delivery point and the time taken per unit of the distance to deliver the service. Other factor that will be used to measure the response time will include the ease at which the required service can be acquired and delivered. Also of interest to achieve is the reduction of the cycle time which will help the business to improve its working capital and consequently help in the improvement of the response time. The reduction of the cycle time will be measured by the availability of more than 50% of the required operating capital at any given time. It will also be measured through analysis of the credit statements which should indicate an improvement of debt settlement by business customers within the set time.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first pa per with 15% OFF Learn More Improved service delivery will be measured through increased business creation and reduced customer complains. It will also be measured by the extent at which the business understands the needs and requirements of the customers and the ability to produce tailored services that meet the scale of customer’s satisfaction. Current business position in the industry Currently the performance of the business on the above measures is comparable to those of the other industrial players. However, to differentiate ourselves from others, there is need to establish our scale which will help to position the business above the rest by giving the business a competitive advantage. By doing so, the business will be in a better position to offer premium products; at premium prices acceptable to the customers. Customers’ needs and requirements A number of customer requirements have been identified. Some of these relate to the manner in which the produc t is delivered and the others relate to the features of the service. The manner in which the service is delivered include the time of delivery, speed of delivery, price and any other support service concerning the product or service delivered. It has been identified that most customers require instant delivery services at a competitive price. They also require support regularly on how to consume the service. Most of them also take a great of concern on the packaging of the product delivered. Quality packaging is taken positively as measure of how best the service is offered. In term of prices, customers have been found to be diverse. Some view high prices as a sign of a premium product and a readily willing to pay the price. However, other views this as being exploitive and therefore there is the need to understand each customer. From these requirements, delays in the delivery of the services are highly unwanted by our customers. These delays in most cases have been as a result of i nadequate operating capital which forces the business to wait until the payment is made the services offered in order to provide means of meeting the new demand. Also, it has been contributed to the failure to fully understand the specific needs of our customers as a result of poor feedback mechanisms and inadequate information gathering process. Work process overview The following is the overview of the work processAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Strategic Competencies of Delivering Gifts specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Overview of the On-Door Delivery Service Stimulus: Service delivery needs statement Authorization by management Purpose To build on-door delivery service for our clients able to meet their needs effectively and timely at a competitive prices. Target The target for work process is the gift business and the prospective and existing customers. Methods This will be achievable by applying hig h standard of competence through utilization of effective communication systems, reduction of bureaucracy, quick response and development of effective feedback mechanisms. Expected Results The results of this appraisal will lead to the following: Redress of the areas of concern by our customers Acquisition of knowledge on how best the business can improve its service delivery to customers through customer’s feedback. Improvement in customers’ satisfaction through understanding their requirements and increased response time. Establishment of competitive advantage over other on-door service delivery businesses Increase in business success in the market. Conditions to be met For the expected results to be achieved the following conditions must be met. An effective feedback mechanism must be established to get feedback on the level of customer satisfaction and the area of their concern. An effective information gathering system must be in place to ensure correct informa tion is obtained on the customer needs and market trends. The existence of enough resources to effectively compete our competitors The existence of effective mechanism to monitor our competitors’ activities to study their activities. Reduce delivery cost per unit by further development of the market by our business. Measures of success The results of this process will be measured through the following: Reduced customers’ complains Improved service delivery to customers Positive feedback on the improved level of customer satisfaction. Improved ability to meet customers’ requirements Reduction of cost per unit of delivery to customers Increased market coverage Overall improvement in business performance. Start Time Input Customers’ needs statement Current and prospective customers Service delivery resources Service delivery constraints Monitoring of the prospective and current customers Service delivery guidance materials. Output Service delivery gui de Marketing course book Overall customer satisfaction Improved business revenue above cost of operation Provision of other required necessary materials and resources. Work process mapping Work process map for building on-door delivery servicesAdvertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Procedural Document The process will begin with the definition of the job by the management. This should be preceded by the identification of customers’ needs and requirements. Once this is done, the management will design the work in a way that is consistent with customer’s needs and requirements. Work will be executed to meet customer needs of quick response, support for the services rendered, and competitive prices for premium services offered. A feedback mechanism is established to collect the concerns of the customers. This feedback information is to be used regularly to review the needs of the customers and to redesign the work as appropriate in order to meet changing needs of the customers. Positive feedback will indicate achievement of the desired competence. Negative feedback on the other hand will indicate a failure to design the work process in a way that satisfies customer’s needs and requirements. This will lead to the review and the redesign of th e work process until the need of the customers is met at a satisfactory level. Appraisal Interview The following interview is intended to reveal the current ability of the business to meet customer’s needs and wants Customers’ satisfaction appraisal form The main intention of this process is to ensure that we understand your needs and are able to meet them to your satisfaction. Please answer the following questions as honestly as possible. What type of service do you receive from the business? Why did you choose our business to provide this service to you? Are you currently satisfied with the way the service is delivered to you? If you are not satisfied, what are the main areas of your concern? What would you suggest the business should do to make this service meet your level of satisfaction? Do you have any other comment you would like to make concerning the service we offer to you currently? Which other service would suggest we add to those that we offer to our clie nts? How do you think the service you suggest will help the business meet the needs for customers’ satisfaction appropriately? Generally, how do you rate our business in the following areas: Service delivery Timely delivery Pricing of services Ability to meet customers’ needs and consequently their satisfaction. Work process appraisal form The following review will help improve the way we execute our work. Please answer the following question as appropriately as possible. Make comments on your view on how we execute the work. Does it meet the industry standards? What should the business do to make sure it is performing at the standards set by the industry players if this is not met? In which way can the business meet customer’s needs effectively at a cost that is acceptable both to the customers and the business? Generally, how do you rate our business in the following areas: Service delivery Timely delivery Pricing of services Ability to meet customersâ⠂¬â„¢ needs and consequently their satisfaction. What do you think the business should do to always be abreast of other industrial players? If you were to make changes to the way we execute the work of delivering services to our customers, which areas will you give a priority? Explain why you think those areas you stated above should be addressed and how they can help the business to meet customer needs satisfactorily. In which way do you think the business can reduce its costs of operation without affecting negatively the quality of services it offers to the clients? What is the effectiveness of the management to design work process? Do you think the feedback mechanism employed by the business is effective enough to collect the information on the level of the customer’s satisfaction? Does the business, according to your views, fully understand the requirements of our customers? If the business does not fully understand these requirements, what do you think should be done? Make general summary of the business’ work process. Make a general comment on management. What changes do you suggest should be done on the management to make it effective in identifying and meeting the customers’ needs through proper design of work? Does the business currently posses the required resources to meet customers needs? Which other resources should the business provide in order to meet these needs? Conclusions In conclusion the appraisal format proposed above has the capacity to introduce a total turning point for a new company. This can be possible is the proposed appraisal approaches are followed to the latter which makes the entire process to be fully evaluated which would improve on the overall efficiency of the company. The appraisal also shall be able to show the relevant departments what need to be done to improve the working standards of the firm. The human resource department for instance shall be able to establish all the requirements that need t o be put in place to guarantee productivity on the part of the employees. The appraisal interviews that have been designed above shall also be of relevant help to the organization as they shall not only show the areas where the organization is doing well, but shall also show the workers who are working hard to promote the organization. The appraisal method therefore shall prove to be of great help to the entire organization as it shall help to make the entire organization realize the path towards achievement of its desired goals. This essay on The Strategic Competencies of Delivering Gifts was written and submitted by user TheExecutioner to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Feminist

â€Å"Let us at first make an entire abstraction of all psychological considerations tending to show, that any of the mental differences supposed to exist between women and men are about †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (57). John Stuart Mills strongly advocates equality for women in his book The Subjection of Women. Among the topics he argued was the right for women to be allowed to pursuit whatever occupations they wanted regardless of their sex. Mill argues that psychological differences have absolutely nothing to do with but it the blockage of their knowledge that causes the problem. He believed their nature should not prevent them from participating in a particular field. The inherent characteristics that women possess such as gentle, weak †¦ should not determine what kind of work they do. However, if they are not given an opportunity to partake in any field out side the sphere of domesticity and are not educated then how can they be qualified for anything else. Women were subjected to certain roles and it is still prevalent in our society today. Stereotyping has been going on for decades and is still in effect the professional world. Females are still seeking equality in the workplace and in some institutions. As a society today we have come along way, but there is still room for improvement. Mary Wollstonecraft in A Vindication of the rights of Women goes beyond arguing for an equal education and equality for women, but she also exposes of numerous injustice to women, including denial of the right to vote, to own property, or to perform any but the lowest jobs and parents duty of parents to children: â€Å"A great proportion of the misery that wanders, in hideous forms, around the world, is allowed to rise from the negligence of parents† (159). Parents have a duty to their children; learning begins at home. If parents leave the act of discipline to teacher and school they are at great injustice. A good family background with the correct moral... Free Essays on Feminist Free Essays on Feminist â€Å"Let us at first make an entire abstraction of all psychological considerations tending to show, that any of the mental differences supposed to exist between women and men are about †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (57). John Stuart Mills strongly advocates equality for women in his book The Subjection of Women. Among the topics he argued was the right for women to be allowed to pursuit whatever occupations they wanted regardless of their sex. Mill argues that psychological differences have absolutely nothing to do with but it the blockage of their knowledge that causes the problem. He believed their nature should not prevent them from participating in a particular field. The inherent characteristics that women possess such as gentle, weak †¦ should not determine what kind of work they do. However, if they are not given an opportunity to partake in any field out side the sphere of domesticity and are not educated then how can they be qualified for anything else. Women were subjected to certain roles and it is still prevalent in our society today. Stereotyping has been going on for decades and is still in effect the professional world. Females are still seeking equality in the workplace and in some institutions. As a society today we have come along way, but there is still room for improvement. Mary Wollstonecraft in A Vindication of the rights of Women goes beyond arguing for an equal education and equality for women, but she also exposes of numerous injustice to women, including denial of the right to vote, to own property, or to perform any but the lowest jobs and parents duty of parents to children: â€Å"A great proportion of the misery that wanders, in hideous forms, around the world, is allowed to rise from the negligence of parents† (159). Parents have a duty to their children; learning begins at home. If parents leave the act of discipline to teacher and school they are at great injustice. A good family background with the correct moral... Free Essays on Feminist Wall Street Journal reporter Thomas M. Burton in his article â€Å"Baxter Filter Comes Under Scrutiny In Dialysis Probe† reports on the investigation by The U.S. Food and Drug Administration regarding the death of 33 kidney-dialysis patients in Spain, Croatia, and Texas. Of the 33 deaths 20 took place in Croatia. The Baxter Company manufactured filters, known as A, AF, and AX models are under inspection for faulty filters. The Baxter filters are said to be the only known common thread which could have cause those deaths. Spanish investigators are currently looking into the matter and refuse to comment at the time of this article. Baxter officials refused to believe that their filters are the cause of those deaths. However, of 21 dialysis death in Croatia, 20 filters were made by the Baxter’s Sweden Company. Croatia deputy health minister is quite sure that Baxter filters are related to those deaths, and Baxter’s deputy medical director in Europe is frustrated that the Croatian authorities â€Å"allegedly haven’t supplied sufficient details for Baxter to know if its dialyzers play any role in those deaths.† A number of different companies supply the pumping equipment to dialysis center. Dialyzers† are dialysis filters made by Baxter International Inc. In dialysis treatment, a person with impaired kidney function is hooked up by tubing, through which the patient’s blood passes through the filter in the opposite direction to cleanse the blood....

Thursday, November 21, 2019


ISOLATION AND CHARACTERISATION OF LYMPHOCYTES - Lab Report Example This is because this results in an inaccurate count. The same is true if the cover slip is moved after the sample is loaded. To make randomized counting only the 4 squares at each end were picked and then the 16 small squares within each large square, that is, in an organized zigzag along the rows. To make the counting standardized only cells lying on the bottom and right hand boundary were counted in and a cell lying on the top or left hand boundary were not counted in. This was in order to avoid counting cells twice. Normally, at least two squares should be counted, comprising more than 100 cells within each central counting area of every square. For higher accuracy, additional cells can be counted and the mean used to compute cell concentration. The result of cells counts were in the table 1 below. The other cells in the splenocyte preparation are red cells 3.82%, Granulocytes 6.1% as shown in the table 4 above. The abundance of small lymphocytes shows that the cell suspension has more immature cells which are maturing in the spleen to become large lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes. With time the population of small lymphocytes decreases as they develop to large lymphocytes, medium lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes. The spleen is made up of immune lymphocytes and that why in this experiment there were low number of other types of cells. Time was very important in this lab because long exposure could lead to lack of the reliability. This is because the population of splenocytes keep on changing since some cell has not matured fully and other are multiplying. For this lab the time limit was hour since In this lab exercise, Nigrosin was used to stain any dead cells. Nigrosin is an acidic stain. This means the stain readily gives up a hydrogen ion and becomes negatively charged. Since the surface of dead cells is negatively charged, the cell surface repels the stain. Thus slide glass will stain, but the dead cell will not. The dead

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING - Assignment Example SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis of an organization is its strength, weakness, opportunity and threat analysis. Through strengths and weaknesses are generally considered internal to the organization whereas opportunities and threats are mainly external to the organizations like change in environmental factors or change in governmental regulations. SWOT analysis inculcates new ideas in strategic planning of the organization and can help any organization to take advantage of its strengths and defend against weaknesses. It is easier to conduct and does not incur high costs. It helps organizations to be aware of its external threats, mainly political and environmental threats. So this helps and organization to get prepared for them beforehand (Keller, 2009). SWOT analysis of SBNY is as follows: Strengths SBNY’s concentration in the New York metropolitan area deters it to reap the benefits of a diverse geographic presence (SBNY Annual Report, 2010). ... Therefore, any adversity in the economy of the area would hamper company’s earnings. As it is an investment banking company and a Financial institution its customers ranges from retail investors to the companies for which it does merchant banking and underwriting business. The company has fixed a lower limit of investments at which it starts managing the portfolio of its customers. This is done generally to create a standard lot of investment for all the retail investors. The lower limit is decided based upon the marker scenario. The funds of SBNY are managed under a separate wing known as SBNY Fund Management ltd, which is a subsidiary of SBNY (SBNY Annual Report, 2010). SBNYFM is currently operating on the institutional platform and its fund accounting and investment staff provides best class services to its clients. The fund management services are provided mainly to small and large retail investors. The next level services provided to the companies are Corporate Financial Services. It includes Initial Public Offerings, Corporate M&A, and Financial Advisory and capital market services. SBNY’s organizational structure provides for the establishment of private client groups, where each group caters to all the banking needs of its clients. The members of such group are highly experienced as they are recruited from major New York banks and brokerages with 20 years of experience in financial services, and are in position to serve the clients in best possible way. A typical group director has an established team of two to four additional professionals to assist with business development and client services. SBNY has 71 teams headed by 92 group directors. The company has projected to hire 11 more teams (About

Monday, November 18, 2019

Using Pop-Up Stores to Boost Sales for Online Fashion Shop Essay

Using Pop-Up Stores to Boost Sales for Online Fashion Shop - Essay Example Pop-up stores not only help in creating the awareness but in the long run it also helps in boosting sales for the organisation. I realized this issue when I tried to convince my friend to purchase an item that was available online but was not available in the local market. His reaction gave me the problems or the perception of the consumer during online shopping. This lead to my research as to how can we make people aware of the positive aspects of online shopping. This is when I came across a website discussing about pop-up-up up stores and how it helps in boosting the sales for online shopping. During the discussion in the report our focus will be to find out how does pop-up-up up stores help in making the most out of pop-up shops and offline shops or spaces in order to boost the sales and create brand awareness. Another aspect of the research will be to find out the short term and long term benefits of having an extra outlet or a physical showroom for the products and how it can help a brand in terms of increasing the sales. On doing thorough research over the web I found several discussions that have been done about pop-up-up stores. However as the topic is closely related to online shopping, I could not find much relevant data related to the particular issue. The discussions were mainly showcasing the popularity of pop-up stores and how it has been helping the retailers in boosting their profit margins. As the economy is stabilizing, there has been a decrease in the available to spaces to set up a showroom (Allen, 2013). This has gone on to encourage the rise of pop-up stores as they can be practically put up anywhere. The idea is to take the consumers by a shock because they would never be expecting something at that particular place (Pegler, 2011). Another article discussed the benefits of coming up with pop-up stores. The first benefit discussed was that it was beneficial for the landlord as pop-up stores opened

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tourism Policies and Plans in Turkey

Tourism Policies and Plans in Turkey Introduction The Republic of Turkey is situated on the borders where Asia and Europe meet, quite literally in the centre of the world. Throughout history, from the times of the Byzantine Dynasty through Alexanders Invasion and the Ottoman Empire, the present land of Turkey has been the home to many cultures. But Turkey has a lot more to offer than just different cultures. They have on offer beautiful landscapes, quality beaches and enough world history to satisfy a historian. With its wide plethora of natural and cultural assets, Turkey should be among the top most popular destinations. In 2014, at the height of Turkeys popularity, 42 million foreign tourists visited Turkey awarding them the rank of 6th most visited global destination that year, with many tourists traveling for their culture, spa and healthcare tourism. (UNWTO, 2015) But the numbers have gradually declined since then caused by political tensions, terrorist attacks, negative political image etc. All tourism related planning, strategies and actions are headed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. This department has been tasked with the protection and perseverance of Turkish culture and the administration of all tourism related activities in Turkey. For Turkey as a destination, it is this Ministry of Culture and Tourism that is designated with the title of Destination Management Organisation. The World Tourism Organisation (2007) defines a Destination Management Organization (DMO) as a body or organisation that is responsible for the co-ordinated management of all the elements that make up a destination like attractions, accessibility, marketing, human resources, brand, etc. These organisations are ultimately responsible for the planning, management and execution of all plans and policies, which have been decided or implemented in order to achieve their short term and long term goals for that destination.(Esmeralda Eleina, 2013) This paper aims at reviewing and critically analysing the tourism plans and policies of Turkey in place until 2023 within the parameters of branding, vision and monitoring and evaluation as detailed in their tourism plan titled Tourism Strategy of Turkey 2023 (2013) which was planned and will be executed by their DMO, The Ministry of Culture and Tourism and to gauge its effectiveness in turning Turkey into a competitive and sustainable destination. Literature Review DMOs are vital in developing and implementing tourism policies for the creation and maintenance of a sustainable and competitive destination. J.R. Brent Ritchie and Geoffrey I. Crouch (2003) explain tourism policy as a set of rules, directives, guidelines, strategies and the framework for tourism development. Vision James Tallant (2009) describes a vision as the state of an organisation in the future after it achieves its mission. J. R. Brent Ritchie (1999) detail that a critical early stage in the strategic planning by any DMO is the inception of a destination vision. Charles R. Goeldner (2008) explains that a good vision defines what the DMO aims to accomplish in a certain given time period using language to inspire members, staff and stakeholders to actively contribute in the attainment of that goal. He elucidates that a vision may describe on how things may be different because of the DMO and how the DMO would wish to be perceived by others. Sooskan Kantabutra and Gayle C. Avery (2010) details that any good vision would incorporate the following elements: Should be conveyed in a dramatic fashion to inspire and motivate Should enhance the development of a new product/service that in turn aids in the further development of other existing products/services. Should aspire to serve customers through a defined product portfolio that has been designed by the DMO and ensure the quality as well. Should be responsive to customer needs. Should ensure the sustainable growth of the destination for the benefit of its stakeholders Branding According to J.R. Brent Ritchie and Robin J.B. Ritchie (1998), branding should encapsulate either a name, symbol, or logo that identifies and differentiates a destination from others.   It must be unique, and reinforce the positive experiences of the destination. For a destination, a brand bridges the gap between its given assets and the perceptions of potential visitors (Morgan, Pritchard, Piggott, 2002). Qu (2011) states that destination brands serve two main functions; identification and differentiation. As with singular product brands, a destination brand is also made up of the components of awareness and image. Like before, brand awareness is considered a pre-requisite to any other brand dimensions (Konecnik Gartner, 2007). Without some level of awareness, the consumer cannot have perceptions on the destinations image, quality, etc. The elements of a good destination brand are as follows: It should be unique, identifiable and recognisable It should use pleasing aesthetics to appeal to the target market and enhance recognition and emotional response. It should be culturally relevant. It must stand the test of time It should be easily reproduced across multiple media formats like print, online, billboards, etc. (Morgan, Pritchard, Pride, 2007) (Hankinson, 2005) Monitoring and Evaluating Much attention has been directed to the implementation of tourism strategies. Pressman and Wildavsky (1973) state that with the increased attention to policy implementation since the 1970s, the interest in policy evaluation has also proportionally increased. By incorporating monitoring and evaluation at the very beginning of policy formulation, the type of information and indicators required can be specified in advance of the implementation of the tourism policy. (Hall Jenkins, 1995) The long term sustainability and competitiveness of a destination is directly linked to its ability to adapt to and evolve with fluid market conditions. Monitoring and evaluating is important in identifying future opportunities and challenges for the destination to improve performance and sustainability over time. (Sr., Allen, Swanson, Smith, 2008) Research has shown that effective monitoring and evaluation should comprise of the following: Possess key performance indicators that were developed and agreed upon during the conceptualisation stages of the policy Possess a regular performance monitoring review process Identify relevant performance monitoring tools, methods and certification options to assist in monitoring and evaluating performance Consider the economic, environmental and social impacts on the destination and stakeholders Measure sustainability and competitiveness over time against agreed industry benchmarks Identify strategies for continual improvement to achieve best goals Communicate and report on performance achievements with stakeholders, including customers Identify strategies to leverage performance achievements with funding agencies, suppliers and statutory bodies. (Miller Twining-Ward, 2005) (Rio Nunes, 2012) Policy Review In this section, the parameters of Vision, Branding and Monitoring and Evaluation of the Tourism Strategy of Turkey-2023 will be critically analysed using the literature discussed as parameters, as well as the need to be sustainable and competitive in the world destination market Vision: The vision for Turkey that has been decided by the DMO, The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in their tourism plan (2013) on page 4 is as follows; With the adoption of sustainable tourism approach, tourism and travel industry will be brought to a leading position for leveraging rates of employment and regional development and it will be ensured that Turkey becomes a world brand in tourism and a major destination in the list of the top five countries receiving the highest number of tourist and highest tourism revenues by 2023. On reading and analysing the vision statement, the primary inference that can be drawn is that the vision statement is not very articulate with problems caused by its length and its business style tone and hindered by the unnecessary use of certain language. As Kantabutra and Avery (2010) explained, a vision should be conveyed in dramatic fashion in order to inspire and motivate, which clearly the DMO has failed in achieving. A simpler concise version with motivational and inspirational themes would have fared much better. But where The Ministry of Culture and Tourisms vision succeeds is in its detailing of the goals regarding its market position and the goals the DMO aims to accomplish for the region and citizens by the year 2023 in lieu with the ideas put forward by Goeldner (2008),Tallant (2009) and Ritchie (1999). On cross examining the vision statement of Turkey with the necessary elements for a vision as put forward by Kantabutra and Avery (2010), the vision decided by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism contains only a singular element, that being the one regarding sustainable growth of the destination for the benefit of the stakeholders. But even in this case not all stakeholders have been represented, especially the most important one, the tourists. To conclude the critical analysis of the Vision for Turkey set forth by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, one can say empirically that it is not an effective one on multiple fronts. Branding The branding strategy for Turkey which has been designed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in the tourism policy mentioned on page 34 of the same is to Manage the branding of cities rich of cultural and natural heritage and thereby convert them into a point of attraction for travellers. Istanbul along with cities like Ankara, Izmir and Antalya are focussed upon in their city travel project, with aims to make them popular destinations among the tourists. Istanbul is being given more preference as it was designated the Cultural Capital of Europe for the year 2010 which would force the strengthening of its cultural, artistic, urban as well as the environmental qualities of Istanbul. As per J.R Brent Ritchie and Robin J.B Ritchie (1998), branding must be able to encapsulate either a name, symbol or logo which would help Turkey to be differentiated from other tourist destinations. The process calls for Turkey to restore its uniqueness which would be a plus factor in order to attract more travellers to the country and facilitate more options for the domestic as well as international tourists who arrive. After going through Turkeys objectives towards branding of its cities, it is easily understood that the objectives designed by the DMO is able to cover up major areas which would establish Turkey as a hotspot in the tourism sector in the coming years in accordance to their vision for its cities. The only negative part to draw out of this is that the objectives seems a little too ambitious for the time frame it has got. This could be risky if the plans are not executed properly on time and deadlines not being met. The tourism plan put forth by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture clearly aims at improving the brands of all the individual destinations within Turkey with them end goal that this strategy will reap benefits to the overall brand of Turkey. By focussing on improving the brands of the local destinations, the DMO aims to not only generate a unique niche identity for the country but also to differentiate the experience on offer from the other similar destinations. (Qu, Kim, Hyunjung, 2011) By implementing a strategy to improve on destination attractions, accessibility, infrastructure, superstructure, etc. the Ministry of Culture and Tourism have taken a page out of Konecnik and Gartners (2007) ideas of improving destination image by improving destination quality. But the fact remains that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism is still under the process of building a brand. In this day and age it makes sense to understand ones assets as well as the market segmentation before committing to the release of a brand, because that brand should stand the test of time, which is the only barometer to gauge its success. (Morgan, Pritchard, Pride, 2007; Hankinson, 2005) To summarise the critical analysis of Turkeys branding, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has just begun taking the ground level steps to develop a timeless brand for the country. The strategies employed will assist in not only the task of developing a brand for the country but helps in the building a unique destination that will remain competitive and sustainable. Monitoring and Evaluation: Credit should be given to The Ministry of Culture and Tourism for understanding the importance of monitoring and evaluating the performance indicators in Turkeys tourism system. But the Tourism Strategy of Turkey does not elucidate on the key performance indicators that will be monitored, nor the monitoring review process, tools, methods or certification options that will assist in the monitoring and evaluation performance. The reason for this is because the Ministry of Culture and Tourism has just implemented this facet to the tourism strategy for Turkey. With their new ideology of sustainable tourism as mentioned in their vision and their reinvigorated approach to branding, there are a lot of fluid elements in the Tourism System of Turkey. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism have decided to form two new bodies to aid in the task of identifying, monitoring and evaluating the key performance indicators of tourism in Turkey, The National Tourism Database Repository and The National Tourism Certification Service. The National Tourism Database Repository will be tasked with collecting and organising the data transmitted by the various public and private sector entities. After analysis the repository will submit its conclusions and opinions to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Tourism Council. On reflecting upon the data and inference received, the DMO will decide the key performance indicators and the monitoring review process. The National Tourism Service will then provide methods to implement amendments into the tourism strategy accordingly. To summarise the critical analysis of the Monitoring and Evaluation element of Turkeys tourism strategy, one can easily understand that the steps taken are the ground level steps to setup a system and framework that will help enable the various tourism bodies to actively monitor and evaluate the tourism system and make real time changes that will bring about the most effective and sustainable outcome. The only negative that can said about the monitoring and evaluation strategy is that the DMO has not declared time frames for the formation of the new regulatory bodies nor a target date when they hope the new monitoring review process will commence Conclusion After researching valid literature, ideas and viewpoints of many scholars, authors, researchers, etc. within the context of Vision, Branding and Monitoring and Evaluation and applying them to the Tourism Strategy of Turkey which has been compiled by Turkeys Destination Management Organisation, The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, we can arrive at the following conclusions. There are a number of issues with their Vision, predominantly the inarticulateness and word flow of the text. The Vision fails to inspire, motivate or fill one with hopefulness. Where it succeeds is that it details their commitment to sustainable tourism, their labour market and what position they will strive to achieve in the global tourism market by 2023. The element of Branding in Turkeys Tourism Strategy is more of an action plan to develop the individual brands of local destinations, with the long term goal of developing a timeless national brand that will help tourists to identify and differentiate Turkey as a niche tourist destination. But with their approach to sustainable tourism, the strategy of branding individual destinations to promote assets of the same destinations seems contradictory. Similarly, the Monitoring and Evaluation facet of Turkeys Tourism Strategy is also a plan to setup the ground level protocol and infrastructure that will aid in the identification, monitoring and evaluating the key performance indicators of Turkeys Tourism Systems. Furthermore, entities whose purpose is to help with the amendment and improvement of all tourism based activities, decision making and legislation have also been conceptualised. To summarise, the Tourism Strategy of Turkey-2023, is in essence a weak tourism strategy. The vision statement disappointing on multiple fronts, no national brand and the lack of a monitoring and evaluating framework is evidence of the same. But with that being said, there are some positives like their listing of certain specific goals regarding market placement and their product differentiation. References Esmeralda, S., Eleina, Q. (2013). Role of Destination Management Organization in Developing Sustainable Tourism in Korà §a Region. (Young Scientist Journal), 93-96. Goeldner, C. R. (2008). TOURISM: Principles, Practices, Philosophies; ISBN 9780470084595. Wiley. Hall, C. M., Jenkins, J. M. (1995). Tourism and Public Policy, ISBN: 1-86152-998-8. Cornwall, U.K.: Routledge. Hankinson, G. (2005). Destination brand images: a business tourism perspective. Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 19 Iss: 1, 24 32. Kantabutra, S., Avery, G. C. (2010). The power of vision: statements that resonate. Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 31 Iss: 1, 37-45. doi: Konecnik, M., Gartner, a. W. (2007). Customer-Based Brand Equity for a Destination. Annals of Tourism Research, 34, 400-421. Miller, G., Twining-Ward, L. (2005). Monitoring for a Sustainable Tourism Transition: The Challenge of Developing and Using Indicators, ISBN: 0-85199-051-7. Oxfordshire, U.K.: CABI Publishing. Ministry of Culture and Tourism. (2013). Tourism Strategy of Turkey 2023, ISBN 978-975-17-3281-1. Ankara, Turkey: T.R. Ministry of Culture and Tourism Publications. Morgan, N., Pritchard, A., Piggott, a. R. (2002). New Zealand, 100% Pure. The Creation of a Powerful Niche Destination Brand. Brand Management, 335-354. Morgan, N., Pritchard, A., Pride, R. (2007). Destination Branding; ISBN : 0750649941. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. Pressman, J. L., Wildavsky, A. (1973). Implementation, ISBN: 9780520053311. Oakland, U.S.A.: University of California Press. Qu, H., Kim, L. I., Hyunjung, H. (2011). A Model of Destination Branding: Integrating the Concepts of the Branding and Destination Image. Tourism Management, 32, 465-476. Rio, D., Nunes, L. (2012). Monitoring and Evaluation Tool for Tourism Destinations. Tourism Management Perspectives, Volume 4, 64-66. Ritchie, J. B. (1998). THE BRANDING OF TOURISM DESTINATIONS PAST ACHIEVEMENTS FUTURE CHALLENGES. Annual Congress of the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism. Marrakech, Morocco. Ritchie, J. B. (1999, June). Crafting a value-driven vision for a national tourism treasure. Tourism Management, pp. 273-282. Ritchie, J. B., Crouch, G. I. (2003). The Competitive Destination: A Sustainable Tourism Perspective; ISBN: 085199847X, 9780851998473; . CABI Pub. Sr., D. E., Allen, M. D., Swanson, J., Smith, G. (2008). Tourism Policy and Planning, ISBN: 978-0-7506-8557-3. London: Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. Tallant, J. (2009). Importance of Vision, Mission, and Values in Strategic Direction. Business Economics Journal, 3. UNWTO. (2007). A Practical Guide to Tourism Destination Management, ISBN: 978-92-844-1243-3, . Madrid, Spain: World Tourism Organization. UNWTO. (2015). UNWTO World Tourism Highlights. Madrid, Spain: World Tourism Organisation Publications, DOI : 9789284416899.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Womens Rights Versus Gods Will Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research

Women's Rights Versus God's Will It seems these days that everyone is concerned with their rights. People feel that there are certain rights that they should have regardless of their race, religion, sex, and so forth. And rightfully so – everyone is entitled to basic human rights. Many belonging to specific groups – such as women, and homosexuals - feel that these basic rights aren't enough and that they need more. They feel that their group should be granted special "rights," which aren't really rights at all. The early advocates of women's rights started out with good intentions – they were fighting for the abolition of slavery, suffrage for women and equal pay for men and women, among other similar rights. The first major turning point in the advocates' battle was on July 19th and 20th of 1848. On those dates, the Seneca Falls Convention was held in New York. The men and women at the convention created a document called the Declaration of Sentiments, which they based on the Declaration of Independence. This document created a foundation, a source of where to go, how to go about getting the government to recognize the rights to which they were entitled. As time went on, woman suffrage advocates like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed organizations, such as the NWSA (National Woman Suffrage Association) and the AWSA (American Woman Suffrage Association). Eventually, after the formation of other organizations and after lots of support raising within states, women were granted the right to vote on August 26, 1920. Women's groups didn't stop at getting the right to vote. They worked toward receiving equal pay, equal educational opportunities, and equal job opportunities. In 1963, Congress passed a law req..., February 13, 2002. "Ms. Herstory." (Online). Available, February 12, 2002. "National Organization for Women (NOW)". Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2001 (12 Feb. 2002) "Roe v. Wade". Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2001 (12 Feb. 2002) Wheeler, Marjorie Spruill. "The History of the Suffrage Movement." (Online). Available, February 12, 2002. "The Path of the Women's Rights Movement." (Online). Available, February 19, 2002. "Women's Rights". Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2001 (12 Feb. 2002) "Woman's Suffrage". Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2001 (12 Feb. 2002) Women's Rights Versus God's Will Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Women's Rights Versus God's Will It seems these days that everyone is concerned with their rights. People feel that there are certain rights that they should have regardless of their race, religion, sex, and so forth. And rightfully so – everyone is entitled to basic human rights. Many belonging to specific groups – such as women, and homosexuals - feel that these basic rights aren't enough and that they need more. They feel that their group should be granted special "rights," which aren't really rights at all. The early advocates of women's rights started out with good intentions – they were fighting for the abolition of slavery, suffrage for women and equal pay for men and women, among other similar rights. The first major turning point in the advocates' battle was on July 19th and 20th of 1848. On those dates, the Seneca Falls Convention was held in New York. The men and women at the convention created a document called the Declaration of Sentiments, which they based on the Declaration of Independence. This document created a foundation, a source of where to go, how to go about getting the government to recognize the rights to which they were entitled. As time went on, woman suffrage advocates like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed organizations, such as the NWSA (National Woman Suffrage Association) and the AWSA (American Woman Suffrage Association). Eventually, after the formation of other organizations and after lots of support raising within states, women were granted the right to vote on August 26, 1920. Women's groups didn't stop at getting the right to vote. They worked toward receiving equal pay, equal educational opportunities, and equal job opportunities. In 1963, Congress passed a law req..., February 13, 2002. "Ms. Herstory." (Online). Available, February 12, 2002. "National Organization for Women (NOW)". Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2001 (12 Feb. 2002) "Roe v. Wade". Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2001 (12 Feb. 2002) Wheeler, Marjorie Spruill. "The History of the Suffrage Movement." (Online). Available, February 12, 2002. "The Path of the Women's Rights Movement." (Online). Available, February 19, 2002. "Women's Rights". Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2001 (12 Feb. 2002) "Woman's Suffrage". Microsoft ® Encarta ® Online Encyclopedia 2001 (12 Feb. 2002)