Friday, January 24, 2020

Methods used to make Opening Battle Sequence of Saving Private Ryan Sho

The film ‘Saving Private Ryan’ is a Steven Spielberg film released in 1998 which aimed to make a both shocking and effective portrayal of warfare. The film shows realistically the severities and horror of warfare. Spielberg admitted that he was ‘looking for realism the whole time’. A conventional war film aims to show fearless soldiers and frightened or brutal enemies. Spielberg wanted to show fear from both sides and highlight the terror felt by young men. I feel it is easy to become detached from the fact that many soldiers were young men with individual lives and varying views. The film uses de-saturated colour so that the audience feels the film is older. The effect of de-saturated colour allows audiences to feel that they have also taken the step back in time along with Private Ryan. Another effect is the use of handheld cameras which allows the audience to feel they are in the battle and moving up the beach or across ground. Spielberg saw the opportuni ty to use D-day as an opening scene. Not only would D-day be an action packed opening scene it would also show its many brutalities. This scene is the film’s selling point and almost trademark. Finally the film shows how ordinary men find themselves fighting on the frontline. When the film starts the American flag is flying and music is played. Violins, trumpets and bugles can be heard playing. We see an elderly man walking ahead of his family down a path. Quickly it is made clear that the path is located in a mass graveyard. As he walks past the graves the number of dead becomes apparent. One of the graves is the Star of David showing how not only Christians fought this battle. After seeing the immaculate graves the camera faces the elderly man. The elderly man falls to the ... ...this really portrays the realism of war. Overall the use of de-saturated film and handheld cameras is an effective way of portraying the film. It does not only portray the film but also realistically portrays war. Scenes which are sometimes horrific or disturbing to watch give us a tiny insight in to the horrific scenes of war. I feel this is the most realistic war film without actually being there. Spielberg successfully took this film to new levels with not always showing brave and noble men. Spielberg has reached the limits of modern film with his effects and constant persistence to find realistic effects. The opening scene is like a starter of a meal or a taste of what is about to come. It shows how these men are brave but scared. I think the film portrays the diversities of emotions experienced by the men. Overall I think this is a realistic and effective film.

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